節分 (Setsubun )
In Japan, the day before “立春(Risshun)” (the beginning of spring) is called “Setsubun.” Since “Risshun” usually falls around February 4th, so February 3rd is typically the day for Setsubun. However, in 2025, something quite rare will happen—Risshun will fall on February 3rd, which means Setsubun will be celebrated on February 2nd instead. Traditionally, according to…
Grocery store items in Japanese supermarkets
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How to cook Tempura
天ぷら(Tempura) Very Very simple way to make “Tempura” with “コツのいらない天ぷら粉”. Normally, frying tempura can be quite challenging, but with this “コツのいらない天ぷら粉,” you can create crispy tempura by simply mixing and frying ! No need for cold water, no need for eggs, and no special techniques required—just delicious tempura made easy. Please give it a try!…
How to cook Osaka-style Okonomiyaki
お好み焼き (Osaka-style Okonomiyaki) ①Making from flour Ingredients(2 piecies) : [A] Mixture: A recipe for cooking ‘Okonomi-yaki 1. Chop some sliced pork in 15cm length and cabbage leaves in 2cm square. 2. Dissolve Dashi powder in water to make a soup stock. Put all the mixture of [A] into the stock and mix them well.…
(ほん)だし (Bonito soup stock)
Dashi is a fundamental soup stock essential in Japanese cuisine, used to add umami (savory taste) to dishes. It is primarily made from kombu (kelp) and katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes), and enhances the flavors of various dishes such as miso soup, simmered foods, and noodles. While you can make dashi soup from scratch, it can be…
小麦粉 (Flour)
In Japanese supermarkets, flour is generally divided into two main types: Hakurikiko (薄力粉) – Known as weak flour or cake flour, it has a lower gluten content and is typically used for light, delicate textures like cakes, cookies, and tempura. Kyourikiko (強力粉) – Called strong flour or bread flour, it has a higher gluten content and is perfect for creating firmer textures in…