2024,  Spring Fair

Online Silent Auction

We’re excited to give you an early glimpse into our upcoming online silent auction! Explore a diverse range of items available, from stunning artworks done by our students to unique experiences and much more. Start planning your bids before it starts next week. Our talented students and generous donors have contributed a plethora of treasures just waiting for its perfect match.

Auction Duration:

The auction will be open for one week starting from Thursday, April 11 at 9:00 to Wednesday, April 17 at 21:00. Don’t miss your chance to place your bids and secure your favorite items!

How to Participate:

Simply visit the website below to access the auction platform. Registration is quick and easy—all you need is an email address to get started. Get creative and have fun choosing a nickname!

Bidding Options:

Choose between “EXACTbids, where you input a specific amount that won’t be renewed if outbid, or “PROXY bids, allowing you to set a maximum price you are willing to pay, and the auction site will automatically advance the bidding up to your limit when others outbid you. No need to keep checking back to bid again.

Extended Bidding:

Bidding on an item within the last 3 minutes extends its end time by another 3 minutes, repeating until no new bids are placed or up to a maximum of 30 minutes beyond the original end time. For more details on how this works, please see 32auctions website.

Supporting a Cause:

Remember, every bid supports a great cause. All proceeds will be shared between the local charity Mirai no Mori and the TiS Grants program.

Join us in making this online silent auction a tremendous success. Happy bidding!

If you have any questions, please contact us below:

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